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Houseplants are among those plants that need more humid air to flourish. Because when the air quality is dry, the pores where they breathe lose moisture. The lost moisture cannot be replaced through the water that its roots absorb. The thinner leaves need humidity the most. Thick, waxy, leathery, or hairy leaves and those plants with the mentioned structures are often relatively immune and safe to expose to dry air.

Curled leaves and dry leaf tips are indications that the air is dry and needs more watering. Too much low humidity can cause flower buds to turn brown or simply fall off. It is because flower buds are more susceptible to dry air.

Average Home Humidity Level

The average home humidity level usually is about 30 percent, but house plants like cacti prefer humidity levels of at least 40 percent. But most require 60 percent or higher. Relative humidity of 45 to 60 percent is ideal for everyone inside the house, including the houseplants. Humidity also depends on the location and seasons. Some regions or countries have dry air that becomes a serious problem. Below are some easy ways to increase humidity.

Ways to Increase Humidity for Houseplants

Spraying with water

Spraying houseplants with water is the easiest and known method for increasing humidity. Unfortunately, this is not efficient if not done several times a day every day since the humidity it provides can disappear quickly. Spraying them with water keeps their leaves clean.

The Unique Features of the Ultrasonic Air Humidifier

Use of Humidifiers

A room humidifier will do so much in increasing air humidity to help your houseplants thrive. Modern humidifiers are even better as they can be adjusted to the desired humidity level. Humidifiers can also provide health benefits like promoting a healthy respiratory system, improving sleep and snore, and preventing you from getting airborne diseases.

Pebble Tray

You can also build a humidifier for your houseplants with the use of pebbles. Stones, gravel or perlite can be used as well. Put pebbles in a plate or tray- – an inch of pebbles can do. Also, make sure the tray is wider than the plant’s pot. Then pour water in it with pebbles at the bottom set in the water while the upper ones stay dry. Put the plant on top of these pebble trays. They will benefit from the humidity as the water in pebbles evaporates. Always keep the pebble tray half-filled with water.

Glass or glass bowls

For miniature plants, it is ideal for placing them in a deep glass or glass bowl. It is handy and can catch your attention instantly if the plants need water.


Houseplants with thin, delicate leaves need a humidity level of more than 70 percent. The said percentage is difficult to achieve in a larger room. In this case, a terrarium is commonly the best solution. A terrarium is easily made from an old fish aquarium.
