When it comes to convenience, semi-permanent nail polish for the majority of women is totally satisfying for them knowing that it does not just bring them a lot more color and beauty that they can apply to their nails, but also, it was proven to them to be a better choice than regular nail polish.

The majority of nail salons and beauty salons use semi-permanent nail polish than regular nail polish for obvious reasons, so you should consider this as your new Accesorios manicura. If you have not tried using semi-permanent nail polish before, you should have more reasons to start using one because it will surely provide you convenience, more styles, more beauty, and of course it lasts longer.


If you are still hesitant, you should keep reading this post that will give you some of the best advantages that only a semi-permanent nail polish can give you over regular nail polish.

  1. More colorful and beautiful-There is a huge difference in the appearance of using semi-permanent nail polish manicure which makes your nails look brighter and vibrant compared to your conventional manicure. The nail polish gel itself remains bright and vibrant even weeks after you applied it. It is only removed once your nails start to grow. This type of nail polish is very versatile when it comes to the vibrancy of its colors which is perfect to channel your creativity.
  2. Lasts longer on your nails– Usually, your conventional manicure will only last for a couple of weeks and chipping, cracking and other damages start to appear a few days after it was applied, however, for semi-permanent nail polishes, it lasts for a month with zero damages. It can stay longer if you are less physically active or your nails grow slower than average.
  3. It dries quicker– Using semi-permanent nail polish can make your nails dry up quickly because this type of nail polish or manicure is made from substances that are quick drying in nature making your nails dry out right away once it is placed under the ultraviolet or UV lamp to cure it. Women do not have to remain still for several hours to ensure that their nails are completely dried.
  4. Tougher to remove-There are a lot of women who complain about the visible cracks and chips on their nails when they use conventional nail polish, unlike semi-permanent nail polish which is very durable which is already likened to be scratch, crack and chip-proof making it a wonderful product for women.